Two Baldwin Park Unified School District Schools Honored with California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition at a State Recognition this year.
Baldwin Park Unified School District Margaret Heath Elementary School and Olive Middle School were recognized with gold-level awards by the California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition for outstanding implementation of the PBIS program.
The California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition aims to create a positive and efficient learning environment for all students, their families, and the community through a focus on academic and behavioral support.
Margaret Heath Elementary School has had tremendous success in implementing behavioral intervention and support for its students. Their motto “BARK” – Be Positive, Act Responsibly, Respect Others, and Keep Achieving – was drawn from their mission to cultivate lifelong learners.

Olive Middle School’s California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition “School-Wide Matrix” has helped students navigate the virtual world during distance learning. Continuing the school’s mission to nurture well-rounded learners, the California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition system has promoted student success in academics and the arts.

“We are extremely proud to be recognized for the hard work that has been put into making PBIS an effective program at our schools,” Superintendent Dr. Froilan N. Mendoza said. “The passion shown by our staff and teachers has enabled students to become successful learners and have a positive impact on their community.”
Both schools had their names displayed at the Sixth Annual California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition Conference in Sacramento from Monday, September 13, 2021, to Wednesday, September 15, 2021, in honor of their accomplishment.
Dos Escuelas del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Baldwin Park fueron Honradas en Reconocimiento Estatal con California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition

Dos Escuelas del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Baldwin Park fueron Honradas con Intervenciones Conductuales Positivas de California y Apoyan a Coalition en un Reconocimiento Estatal este año.
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Baldwin Park Margaret Heath Elementary School y Olive Middle School fueron reconocidos con premios de nivel oro por la California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition por la implementación sobresaliente del programa PBIS.
La Coalición California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports tiene como objetivo crear un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo y eficiente para todos los estudiantes, sus familias y la comunidad a través de un enfoque en el apoyo académico y conductual.
Margaret Heath Elementary School ha tenido un tremendo éxito en la implementación de la intervención conductual y el apoyo a sus estudiantes. Su lema “LADRAR” – Ser Positivo, Actuar Responsablemente, Respetar a los Demás y Seguir Logrando – se extrajo de su misión de cultivar aprendices de por vida.

California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition “School-Wide Matrix” de Olive Middle School ha ayudado a los estudiantes a navegar por el mundo virtual durante el aprendizaje a distancia. Continuando con la misión de la escuela de educar a estudiantes bien formados, el sistema de coalición California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports ha promovido el éxito de los estudiantes en lo académico y en las artes.

“Estamos extremadamente orgullosos de ser reconocidos por el arduo trabajo que se ha puesto en hacer de PBIS un programa efectivo en nuestras escuelas”, dijo el Superintendente Dr. Froilan N. Mendoza. “La pasión mostrada por nuestro personal y maestros ha permitido a los estudiantes convertirse en estudiantes exitosos y tener un impacto positivo en su comunidad.”
Ambas escuelas exhibieron sus nombres en la Sexta Conferencia Anual de California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coalition en Sacramento desde el lunes 13 de septiembre de 2021 hasta el miércoles 15 de septiembre de 2021, en honor a sus logros.