Two juveniles were arrested after an altercation occurred at Baldwin Park North Park High School Thursday.
Baldwin Park Police Department and Los Angeles County Fire Department responded to the school located in the 4600 Block of Bogart Avenue at approximately 9:05 a.m. Thursday morning.
According to the Baldwin Park Police Department, the altercation between two juvenile students seemed to be gang-related.
During the incident, one of the juveniles physically assaulted an instructor, the Baldwin Park Police Department told Baldwin Park News.
Resulting in minor injuries to the instructor, according to the Baldwin Park Police Department.
Both juveniles were booked with assault and elderly abuse, the Baldwin Park Police Department told Baldwin Park News.
Dos menores Arrestados Luego de un Altercado en Baldwin Park North Park High School el jueves

Dos menores fueron arrestados después de que ocurriera un altercado en Baldwin Park North Park High School el jueves.
El Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park y el Departamento de Bomberos del Condado de Los Ángeles respondieron a la escuela ubicada en la cuadra 4600 de Bogart Avenue aproximadamente a las 9:05 a.m. del jueves por la mañana.
Según el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park, el altercado entre dos estudiantes juveniles parecía estar relacionado con pandillas.
Durante el incidente, uno de los menores agredió físicamente a un instructor, dijo el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park a Baldwin Park News.
Resultando en lesiones menores al instructor, según el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park.
Ambos menores fueron fichados por agresión y abuso de ancianos, dijo el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park a Baldwin Park News.