A 20-year-old Baldwin Park Resident was arrested and booked for Attempted Murder and assault with a Deadly Weapon after attacking a female with an ax on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, August 31, 2021, at approximately 12:50 pm, the Baldwin Park Police Department responded to the 14900 block of Jeremie Street regarding a 911 call of a male who was armed with an ax and had assaulted a female.
Upon arrival, officers discovered a female adult with significant injuries as a consequence of being struck numerous times with an ax.
The suspect also attacked a male, who was able to flee the area without being injured, according to the Baldwin Park Police Department.
The suspect was located nearby, when confronted by officers, he threatened to harm himself while holding a knife to his neck, according to the Baldwin Park Police Department.
Officers from the Baldwin Park Police Department were able to disarm him without any use of force and take him into custody, according to the Baldwin Park Police Department.
The suspect Adrian Feregrino, a 20-year-old Baldwin Park Resident was taken into custody at Inmate Reception Center where his bail is set at $10,000.00.
Adrian Feregrino is scheduled to appear in an El Monte Courthouse on Tuesday, September 7, 2021.
Detectives from the Baldwin Park Police Department responded to the scene to assist in the investigation.
Veinte años de edad, residente de Baldwin Park arrestado después de intento de asesinato y asalto con un arma mortal en un ataque con hacha

Un residente de Baldwin Park de 20 años fue arrestado y registrado por Intento de Asesinato y asalto con un Arma Mortal después de atacar a una mujer con un hacha el martes.
El martes 31 de agosto de 2021, aproximadamente a las 12:50 pm, el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park respondió a la cuadra 14900 de Jeremie Street con respecto a una llamada al 911 de un hombre que estaba armado con un hacha y había agredido a una mujer.
A su llegada, los oficiales descubrieron a una mujer adulta con heridas importantes como consecuencia de haber sido golpeada en numerosas ocasiones con un hacha.
El sospechoso también atacó a un hombre, que pudo huir del área sin resultar herido, según el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park.
El sospechoso se encontraba cerca, cuando se enfrentó a los oficiales, amenazó con hacerse daño mientras sostenía un cuchillo en el cuello, según el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park.
Los oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park pudieron desarmarlo sin ningún uso de la fuerza y ponerlo bajo custodia, según el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park.
El sospechoso Adrian Feregrino, un residente de Baldwin Park de 20 años, fue detenido en el Centro de Recepción de Reclusos donde su fianza se fija en $10,000.00.
Adrian Feregrino está programado para aparecer en un Juzgado de El Monte el martes, 7 de septiembre de 2021.
Detectives del Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park respondieron a la escena para ayudar en la investigación.
Our police dept either isn’t adequate any longer or they just don’t care. Thought they were hired to protect
serve and yet that isn’t the case. I can testify that we have numerous speeders and other major issues that have been brought to the mayors attention along with several police officers and yet NOTHING HAS CHANGED. Complained early part of 2020. I first complained to a watch commander who assured me that his good traffic officers would be handling it. Well, either they are all on vacation or they just didn’t care to handle it. We never are patrolled as we should be. The city won’t put in speed bumps because it’s better to have speeders and ppl who refuse to stop for stop signs. Even took time to call the Chief of Police however, Vanessa his secretary passed the call. If things were handled, I wouldn’t not of phoned the Chief. Don’t pass the buck. Start protecting and servicing the entire town or have the Sheriff’s take over!
Almost 2 weeks and still NO RESPONSE from the mayors office. hmmmm scary who really is running this city?