Camaro driver collided with a median barrier and the rear of a semi-truck in Baldwin Park Tuesday.
At approximately 7:45 a.m., the Baldwin Park Police Department responded to a call for assistance near the intersection of Baldwin Park Boulevard and Ramona Boulevard, in front of the Baldwin Park Community Center.
Upon arrival, officers with the Baldwin Park Police Department located a 2012 Chevrolet Camaro in the center median that had struck a fence and the rear of a semi-truck.
According to the Baldwin Park Police Department, no injuries were reported to neither the semi-truck driver nor the Camaro driver.
Its cause was under investigation, the Baldwin Park Police Department told Baldwin Park News.
Conductor de Camaro Choca contra Valla y Semirremolque en Baldwin Park el martes

El conductor de un Camaro chocó contra una barrera mediana y la parte trasera de un semirremolque en Baldwin Park el martes.
Aproximadamente a las 7:45 a.m., el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park respondió a una llamada de asistencia cerca de la intersección de Baldwin Park Boulevard y Ramona Boulevard, frente al Centro Comunitario Baldwin Park.
A su llegada, los oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park ubicaron un Chevrolet Camaro 2012 en la mediana central que había golpeado una cerca y la parte trasera de un semirremolque.
Según el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park, no se reportaron heridos ni al conductor del camión semi ni al conductor del Camaro.
Su causa estaba bajo investigación, dijo el Departamento de Policía de Baldwin Park a Baldwin Park News.