Baldwin Park Unified School District (BPUSD) proudly welcomed over 9,200 students on August 15, 2024, marking the start of an exciting new academic year.
Students from Early Childhood Education (ECE), Elementary, Middle School, High School, and the Adult Transition Program arrived at their campuses, eager to begin their educational adventure.
To make the first day of school memorable, campuses across the District were adorned with balloons and posters, creating an atmosphere of excitement and community.
At Vineland Elementary School, children gathered on the newly resurfaced blacktop to meet their teachers, setting the groundwork for a successful year.
Meanwhile, Baldwin Park High School students were greeted at the main entrance by the school’s drumline and cheer team, igniting school spirit right from the start.
Superintendent Dr. Mendoza extended a warm welcome to all students, staff, and families, highlighting the District’s commitment to creating a supportive and stimulating learning environment.
“To our students, I want you to know that your dreams, ambitions, and hard work inspire us every day. Embrace the challenges, celebrate your successes, and know that we are here to support you every step of the way,” said Dr. Mendoza. “To our teachers and staff, thank you for your unwavering dedication and passion for education. Your commitment to our students’ success is the cornerstone of our schools, and I am grateful for everything you do.”
Its 2024-2025 school year also brings significant changes in leadership and new initiatives.
Baldwin Park Unified School District is pleased to announce Stephen Compton as the new Principal of BP STEM, with Travis Nelson serving as Assistant Principal.
At Kenmore Elementary School, Efrain Murillo steps in as Principal, while Mike Rust joins the Early Childhood Education team as Principal-at-large.
Additionally, Sierra Vista High School welcomes its new Assistant Principal, Shelley Aguilar.
Students can look forward to several new programs and updates throughout the year.
Among the most anticipated is the introduction of an E-Sports program at Jones Middle School, set to launch later this fall, offering students a cutting-edge opportunity to engage into competitive gaming.
The debut of high school flag football teams promises to bring a fresh wave of school spirit and athletic competition to the District, further enriching the student experience.
In addition to new leadership and programs, the 2024-2025 school year began with extensive campus maintenance and upgrades to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all students.
The District undertook critical concrete repairs, blacktop crack and gap filling, updates to playgrounds and play areas, and various painting projects during the summer break.
Significant roofing repairs and replacements were also completed, along with the installation of new rain gutters.
To enhance the learning environment, new air conditioning units were installed across several campuses, and high school sports facilities received upgrades, including new batting cages, netting, and bullpens.
New classroom flooring was laid, and additional portables were added at Baldwin Park Adult and Community Education (BPACE).
To provide better outdoor comfort, new shade structures were installed across various school sites.
Part of the extensive maintenance project list included the installation of new carpet in 43 classrooms, the painting of 68 rooms, the resurfacing of 686,634 square feet of asphalt, roofing replacements for 31 rooms and a two-story building, and the establishment of five new playgrounds.
As the Baldwin Park Unified School District begins the 2024-2025 school year, the District remains dedicated to delivering a high-quality education and developing each student’s full potential, ensuring that students thrive in an environment that supports their academic and personal growth.
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Baldwin Park Da la Bienvenida a los Estudiantes para el Año Escolar 2024-2025

El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Baldwin Park (BPUSD) dio la bienvenida con orgullo a más de 9,200 estudiantes el 15 de agosto de 2024, marcando el comienzo de un nuevo y emocionante año académico.
Estudiantes de Educación Infantil Temprana (ECE), Primaria, Secundaria, Preparatoria y el Programa de Transición para Adultos llegaron a sus campus ansiosos por comenzar su aventura educativa.
Para que el primer día de clases fuera memorable, los campus de todo el Distrito se adornaron con globos y carteles, creando una atmósfera de emoción y comunidad.
En la Escuela Primaria Vineland, los niños se reunieron en el asfalto recién repavimentado para conocer a sus maestros, sentando las bases para un año exitoso.
Mientras tanto, los estudiantes de Baldwin Park High School fueron recibidos en la entrada principal por el equipo de tambores y porristas de la escuela, encendiendo el espíritu escolar desde el principio.
El Superintendente Dr. Mendoza dio una cálida bienvenida a todos los estudiantes, personal y familias, destacando el compromiso del Distrito de crear un ambiente de aprendizaje estimulante y de apoyo.
“A nuestros estudiantes, quiero que sepan que sus sueños, ambiciones y arduo trabajo nos inspiran todos los días. Acepte los desafíos, celebre sus éxitos y sepa que estamos aquí para apoyarlo en cada paso del camino”, dijo el Dr. Mendoza. “A nuestros maestros y personal, gracias por su inquebrantable dedicación y pasión por la educación. Su compromiso con el éxito de nuestros estudiantes es la piedra angular de nuestras escuelas, y estoy agradecido por todo lo que hacen.”
Su año escolar 2024-2025 también trae cambios significativos en el liderazgo y nuevas iniciativas.
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Baldwin Park se complace en anunciar a Stephen Compton como el nuevo Director de BP STEM, con Travis Nelson como Subdirector.
En la Escuela Primaria Kenmore, Efraín Murillo asume el cargo de Director, mientras que Mike Rust se une al equipo de Educación Infantil Temprana como Director general.
Además, Sierra Vista High School le da la bienvenida a su nueva Subdirectora, Shelley Aguilar.
Los estudiantes pueden esperar varios programas nuevos y actualizaciones a lo largo del año.
Entre los más esperados se encuentra la introducción de un programa de deportes electrónicos en Jones Middle School, que se lanzará a finales de este otoño, ofreciendo a los estudiantes una oportunidad de vanguardia para participar en juegos competitivos.
El debut de los equipos de fútbol americano de bandera de la escuela secundaria promete traer una nueva ola de espíritu escolar y competencia atlética al Distrito, enriqueciendo aún más la experiencia de los estudiantes.
Además de nuevos programas y liderazgo, el año escolar 2024-2025 comenzó con un amplio mantenimiento y mejoras en el campus para garantizar un ambiente seguro y acogedor para todos los estudiantes.
El Distrito llevó a cabo reparaciones críticas de concreto, relleno de grietas y huecos en el asfalto, actualizaciones de patios de recreo y áreas de juego, y varios proyectos de pintura durante las vacaciones de verano.